Thursday, April 12, 2012

Am back!!!!!!!!!

hey dolls am back words cannot explain why i have been away, but let me just say it feels good i can blog again i have lots to catch on like tell u guys what i have been up to........hmmmmmm let me just start by saying at the moment i love/hate my new apartment, lol! i know mixed feelings the part is it is finally taking shape in terms of furnishing it has bits and bits of me here and there hope by the time am through u guys will be able to see my PURPLE sofa, yes i said purpl

 the hate part comes in where am the first tenant in the
apartment so anything that went wrong with the maintenance i get to experience it first hand like now i don't have internet at home because the etisalat company someone is not doing their job so that explains the not blogging. but while was i away i got to watch lotsa of daytime TV lots lots and i came across ANTM  and got glued to it people who caught my attention there SANDRA NYANCHOKA  she is kenyan and she was full of drama

 but i like a woman who can speak her mind.
then came SALEISHA STOWERS was sweet but at the same time bitchy
then i feel in love with YAYA is a strong woman
BIANCA GOLDEN made me laugh her wall was fierce and her smile whoooooooooo!!! what about the swag little miss thing had it.
overall i loved that when i said TV  all day that i could get little time this is what i did lol! plus there was nothing to watch from my laptop apart from this then i fell in love...
So now am yet to start a new series i dont which yet..
now am just excited like a baby on sugar rush because of internet
hope to blog soon i mean soon i missed y'all
          xoxo lovelies

1 comment:

  1. excited like a baby on sugar?thats so you!reminds me of our party nights in Nairobi.


Thanks for the love.