Monday, January 30, 2012


Hey dolls, bloggers, and fiends
i have been away for long but its all good will know all i have been up to soon but first why the title january jones???? just some word that has been on the back of my mind and every time i say its january i think about january jones........
anyhu moving on i know it being january people are set with goals and resolutions and achivements of what they want to do this year me on the other hand i have not made myself any promises i wont keep instead i just want to love myself more this year,
On the other hand i spent my christmas and newyears in was soo lovely i loved everything except for the heat the heat was too much, but i ate and ate and ate until the last day was still eating i loved the food all their soups and greens my favourite would have to be Egusi i was taking it everyday as if it was medication hahahahaha.....
The rich culture that Naija people is have is amaizing, hope to share some of it from my pictures the recap of everything that went down, i will update the pictures soon if not later on today.
As for dubai am in love with the weather its sooooo cold i dont remember when last we put on the AC,which is cool reminds me of for loving myself today i  have some free time my friend Chioma is visiting from naija she and a friend are fixing up a naija meal cant wait then we hit the jacuzzi.
                                                            ciao dolls!!!!!!

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