Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Hey beautiful people!
today am home bound i needed some rest plus i miss home terribly so i have been trying to download skype but nothing.....being some social site are blogged in this country but not to worry will do by the end of the day.
Well the other day wanted to see how Kenya has grown fashionably through the year i see upcoming designers every day, Raw talent that some people don't think they have and am pleased that we coming of age growing through the industry
For me when growing up i was used to household names like kiko romeo,sally karago,moo cow and monica kanari just to name but few. and for some years they have stayed on the top for years
now i came across fresh talent young designers who are hungry to be seen who are hungry for us to wear them and i must say am loving the drive they are taking Kenya by storm some of my favorite are ....MIWI, i like this young women,NINI AFRIQUE BOUTIQUE  this one maintained the rich african culture and put a little urban in the mix then they is RACHEL MUTINDI she makes the leso i used to tie on my waits when maybe i want to do some house chores look like a million dollar yes ooh yes then came LALESSO i love this by them

i have to say kenya is making me proud

this maxi dress by MIWI would be good with this weather now...
Let me get back to downloading skype and thanks for stopping by
                Lurv Njeri

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