Sunday, December 9, 2012


Hey everyone
Ever since BB cream hit middle east like lightning, i have been seeing bill boards of it everywhere so i did my homework and just realized maybe its just the product i need i don't normally wear make up i find make up too much of a hustle for me plus i feel heavy when i do wear make up and i break out more if i do.
so when i found out that BB is just a tinted moisturizer i was happy maybe its just what i need just light coverage for when am going out plus it has spf well i was confused at first what to get as of now am still confused.
Today when i left for work i had one thing to look for later in the day i had decided to look for LAURA MERCIER bb cream or SMASH BOX because i learnt this two products are good for dark skinned women with oily skin i didn't find laura mercier but i did find smash box  at SEPHORA....


                                                   i got it in shade dark
                                                   it cost like 175 dirhams

                                                   they say it has not been tested on animals which gives it a + for me.

                                     I got this 2 faced mini brush sooooo cute and in my fav colour love it

                                     my great buy today let me see whats the craze with all this bb cream.
                                                             thanks for stopping by
                                                                lotsa love 


  1. I used bb cream just from garnier. :)

  2. yeah i also tried the body shop it didn't work for me at all am hoping to try laura meicier i hear its good..


Thanks for the love.