Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Hey dolls
Its a new month i have been away swamped with work i work up today with the news Obama worn so another term for him yay! i was team Obama all the way.
So while i was away i did make time for some little pampering i needed it with all the long hours at work so i bought a treat for me and my former roomie Christine, at a place in jumeira road called premier palace beauty saloon.

so i had been dying to have a morrocan bath for some time now and christine was the first time she was gonna have it the staff we well good we were treated to arabic coffee when we got in the waiting area is superb

so is their pedi section.
 and the morrocan bath area i loved it

i love being pampered i mean who doesn't after the bath i felt like i had just shade off some skin and regained a new one for those willing to visit the saloon here is the website
after i got a blow dry since they washed my hair all in all i would go back there i loved the services
we had a great time

                 thanks everyone for dropping by


  1. wow, I think you have a great blog... really. I enjoyed looking and your posts and was wondering if you'd like to follow each other. I just opened up a new blog and would love your support on it!! Hope you come by soon! Stay in touch xx

  2. Hey gal thanks I would really like for us to follow each other let me get to it now lol, thanks


Thanks for the love.